Saturday, October 15, 2005

of a tiring week

whoa..what a week! never i welcome the weekend as much as i do now! (well that's a bit of an exaggeration..of course there have been other tiring weeks). i think almost all my energy has been drained from my body that i just wanna sleep the whole weekend to rejuvenate. well i could if i wanted to..but knowing me..i wouldnt, because at the end of it, i'd regret the time i didnt use wisely and i'd feel like smacking myself. ermm..maybe what mama said is true lah..i am skema! haha! i dont really care anymore if people said so..i'd just laugh at myself and playing pretending to defend myself. anyway who invent the word 'skema'? the definition of it really is subjective u know. i should write an entry on the subject eh? maybe someday. i think mama's definition of it is whatever is synonymous to me and not to fifi. heh! well, u see..fifi and i are of opposite personalities. fifi,the second bro, is crazy and spontaneous. he is insane! myself..not as crazy, and like to plan, i'm not obsessive about getting everything in order, but it's satisfying u know. ehh copp..this entry is suppose to be about 'the tiring week'! ....err....i think i just prove my point... ;)

anyhow, i'll still write about the week later. i have some other stuff to do first. u know, this 'poyo' guy dared us, the girls of B villa, to produce a better Eid card than his, and he'll give us 100Euro! i know i've lost my artistic touch (ewah!) since i left school, but i'll try me best. if we dont 'win', still we wont lose anything coz we didnt promise anything on our side. boo you poyo guy!:P and our ego wont be as hurt as yours coz it's in our nature that ego is not as a big deal as in yours..haha! anyway i'm thinking about using the money to give us a nice treat of buka puasa kat luar. boring jugak asyik masak sendiri ( or makan kat mosque for most people ). in that case, i better start working on my masterpiece! heh! daa...!


Anonymous said...

yeah , quite tiring tho..

Anonymous said...

comment + = sian my syg.. u should take some rest..kay..rejuvenate urself durin weeknds ni good for ur health sambil tgk cite desperate housewives kan...

comment - = org lain pun penat jugak...xde nak keco2 pun..

p/s: jgn mare

Marfu'ah said...

GO SON!!!!!! get that 100 euros!! You can do it!! ( Buat ombak and lompat2 for me best mate!)