Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Pursuit of HappYness

It's a must see, people!

I've never seen its trailer before. But I sooooo love Will Smith. So when I saw the poster for the movie some time ago, I told myself to must watch it after the exam. Then, of course, I forgot about it all..until recently, while I was blog-hopping, I saw the poster again. Thanks to the wonder of internet, I finally got to watch the movie.


I laughed. I cried. I cheered. I applauded.

The chemistry, the emotions are almost unbearable to watch. I actually pressed the pause button coz I felt like it would give Chris a break. The story owned me before I knew it.

Probably the most heartwarming movie I've ever seen.
Probably or Possibly? Jayden Smith knows it. ;)

The movie has a big philosophical statement to make too.
I'm not American. But the reviews say it depicts poverty in America in gut wrenchingly accurate ways. It's an honest, meaningful film that will stay with you long after you watch it.

Chris is shown running throughout the movie. Remember the title of the movie: "The PURSUIT of Happiness." Chris places emphasis on "pursuit." Jefferson, when he penned the Declaration of Independence, did not promise Americans happiness, but only the right to pursue it. Chris says, at one point in the movie, paraphrase, "I am happy right now. It is a fleeting moment." We experience happiness in eyeblinks. The rest of the time we, like Chris, are chasing after it.

While the plot may remain a bit transparent, it leaves you asking the question of yourself - how long would you keep battling to get what you really want out of life?


Marfu'ah said...

son, where did u watch it??

nak tgk!

JUst Me said...

hehhe..peah mase tgk trailer tuh mmg dh loncat2 nak tgk. baik ko betau cik peah nih asap!!

n'way, ko tgk kat mane ek?