Monday, October 31, 2005


"He needs to be big enough so you can both take cover under his coat when it rains. Small enough for you to wrap your arms almost around. Strong enough to restrain you from leaving too easily. Gentle enough to know when to leave you alone. And man enough to know when to give you his hand..." .....Someone thought of these beautiful notions. She also said that's the mark of the right one. You're the only one who can confer him that title...ermm...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

My Latest Obsession

Great company on the bus ride to and from the hospital. I'm thinking about buying the sudoku book. Those in the Metro or HeraldAM aren't enough.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Today's Sniglets.

One of the habits I have: Caffidget (ka fij' it) - v. To break up a Styrofoam coffee cup into several hundred pieces after consuming its contents. Cool word eh? I caffidget. But not into several hundred pieces. Just enuff to make the cup mildly unrecognisable. But I don't only caffidget, I wreck the paper plates too.

Wow, I am barbaric.

But those happen in situations like if I've finished eating or drinking but the conversation still going on. You know..just wanna a good listener. Heh.

Another cool vocab:
Grantnap (grant' nap) - n. The extra five minutes of sleep you allow yourself that somehow makes all the difference in the world. But it does make a difference. That's why they created the snooze button on alarm clocks.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

i want this car in lime green.or blue. or red.

This is my neighbour's car. Setiap kali kluar rumah, akan nampak kereta ni, if the neighbour hasn't go out lah. Huhu..i really want this car. It's perfect. Proportion yang cantik. Papa said it was rm 240K when it was first out in the market, which was 3-4 years ago. So now should be cheaper. But still, VW maintainance in Msia is expensive. Just like if you use jaguar or rover lah. Tak dapat VW, Nissan Micra is good enuff. It's cheaper, and it looks almost like this VW. But it must be in red or lime green. Kawaii! ;)

I dont know much about cars, of course. Whatever i know is from papa or B. B must be laughing his heart out when he reads this blog. Yes, I'm scared of driving. But I still talk about what kinda car I want to own someday. I dont know why. Scared that other drivers might hit me? Scared that I might hit somebody? But, I am scared of many things. B can testify that. My best friend P always says "ko ni harap badan je besar!". I think I need a therapy lah..

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Irish Name

Your Irish Name Is...
Chloe Boyle

OMG! I do act my age?

You Are 23 Years Old
You Are 23 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Monday, October 17, 2005

of eid card and Arthegeorgia

Done with the eid card design and printing. A bit tired of the hassle. It was time-consuming as well. I usually enjoy doing this kinda stuff, but the timing for this one isn't good. The mcq and clinical exam will be in a few weeks time. The books are mounting on my desk (partly because malas nak kemas.hehe.). Fortunately the deadline for ethics and legal med essays was postponed. If not i could be crazy with all the workload.

A bit sad lah. The knack for art has been rusty, very rusty. Design software? Na'ah..definitely not listed in my CV. I'm only humbly capable at the old style art. I miss SSP days. Had fun with the SPM Art subject. The people were cool as well. We even had a very cool nickname for our class. I think it was Arthegeorgia, coz 5 Jaya was a combination of Art and a number of Geography students. While other people who took Account and Geography studying and doing endless homework, we the Art people enjoying ourselves at the Rumah Besar. (See, we even had a place of our own!). We did have homework and projects too, but it wasn't as stressful. It was all fun and relaxed. We had outings, trips and mural projects. Doing the mural for Merdeka celebration was the best I guess, the principal even gave us time off classes to paint the mural. Well, the privilage was slightly abused, coz I knew we could finish it earlier than we actually did. We worked hard alright, but we also played hard. hehe. I remember someone had half her face painted blue, another had yellow, a few other people doing some other crazy stuff as well. Myself? Ermmm..... ;)

Wish I could travel back to those times. Less worry. More fun. Or not?

Oh yes..the poyo guy didnt keep his promise. I dont care anymore. I just have this severe dislike for him. Bad, I know. But it's temporary. I dont dislike people for very long time, I think.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

really..of the tiring week..

Alright. Where shall I start? Why were the last 5 days so wearing? Last week and next week are our lecture block for Public Health, GP, Legal Med and Ethics subjects. That’s fine by me, although I loathe the Public Health lectures the most. Anyway, lecture block gives you a break from the hospital. That was the idea I had in mind. Little that I knew that we have to go to somewhere else in the afternoons.

I was in the first half of the class to go to the Cappagh National Orthopaedics Hospital. Well there are like 200 of us in the class, of course they can’t accommodate us all. It’s in Finglas (a dodgy area so people say). One good thing was that UCD provides transportation for us to get there. Rasa macam school trip pulak. Hehe. So everyday I was out by 8 am to get to the lectures (yang terribly boring I should say!), and the bus picked us up in Mater at 1 pm, had more lectures and tutorials (these ones were great, incomparable to the morning lectures in Mater!) until 5ish, got back to Mater around 6, and rushed to the mosque for iftar (coz surely, and defensively, I couldn’t make it home to prepare some decent dinner). Back at home, by the time you finish terawih, you wanna revise the lessons of the day, but your eyes are not so cooperative. And all the routine were done in very, very cold, windy and rainy days (and nights). And when it’s raining, the traffic got so bad you feel like ramming all the cars to get to you destination. And when the sky is dark, you tend to feel gloomy and depressed too. Fortunately it’s Ramadhan, so you just redha and embrace all the hardship with an open mind (ewah!). However, someone was unlucky to encounter me during one of the (unusual) attacks of crankiness. Sorry ye B..? ;)

So that was basically it. But I love the tutorials in Cappagh. They actually taught us, and they seemed really enthusiastic about it. And the enthusiasm was contagious. They also had everything really organized. I wish tutors kat Mater boleh buat macam diorang ni. Perhaps they could afford to give really good tutorials in Cappagh because they have plenty of time in their hands. Well, at least it seemed like they do. In Mater, it's hard even to get them to call back when you bleep them. More so to arrange for a tutorial. Sigh. Sometimes the unorganized nature of the clinical years could really frustrate you (that's me), and dampen your (mine, again)spirit to learn lah...

of a tiring week

whoa..what a week! never i welcome the weekend as much as i do now! (well that's a bit of an exaggeration..of course there have been other tiring weeks). i think almost all my energy has been drained from my body that i just wanna sleep the whole weekend to rejuvenate. well i could if i wanted to..but knowing me..i wouldnt, because at the end of it, i'd regret the time i didnt use wisely and i'd feel like smacking myself. ermm..maybe what mama said is true lah..i am skema! haha! i dont really care anymore if people said so..i'd just laugh at myself and playing pretending to defend myself. anyway who invent the word 'skema'? the definition of it really is subjective u know. i should write an entry on the subject eh? maybe someday. i think mama's definition of it is whatever is synonymous to me and not to fifi. heh! well, u see..fifi and i are of opposite personalities. fifi,the second bro, is crazy and spontaneous. he is insane! myself..not as crazy, and like to plan, i'm not obsessive about getting everything in order, but it's satisfying u know. ehh copp..this entry is suppose to be about 'the tiring week'! ....err....i think i just prove my point... ;)

anyhow, i'll still write about the week later. i have some other stuff to do first. u know, this 'poyo' guy dared us, the girls of B villa, to produce a better Eid card than his, and he'll give us 100Euro! i know i've lost my artistic touch (ewah!) since i left school, but i'll try me best. if we dont 'win', still we wont lose anything coz we didnt promise anything on our side. boo you poyo guy!:P and our ego wont be as hurt as yours coz it's in our nature that ego is not as a big deal as in yours..haha! anyway i'm thinking about using the money to give us a nice treat of buka puasa kat luar. boring jugak asyik masak sendiri ( or makan kat mosque for most people ). in that case, i better start working on my masterpiece! heh! daa...!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ramadhan test..

Presenting complaint: fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache
Diagnosis: upper respiratory infection

Huhu!! Demam lagi! Rasenye baru je demam sebulan lepas..but this time it appeared quite quick. No warning, no ‘aura’. I was all well on Wednesday, went out in the afternoon to help my roommie to do some shopping. One of her friends was sick, prolly caught the virus from her. Lepas bukak puasa je my throat became so sore that even to drink became a big challenge. Tau2 je I was lying in my bed for the whole Thursday, only able to get up to solat. Missed 2 tutorials and 3 lectures. Regret that so much. Bukan senang nak arrange for tutorial..those mentors of ours are so busy. Anyway, being unwell in Ramadhan is a huge test of patience. Cried a little, coz whenever I got sick, I’d become homesick too. Don’t know why. Maybe because if I was sick at home, mama will always be there to take care of me. Manja eh? I don’t care. :P

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

something beautiful in my eyes

my dearest best friend, P, sent this offline YM message..something beautiful in her eyes..

You were born together, & together u shall be forevermore.
U shall be together when white wings of death scatter ur days.
Aye, u shall be together even in the silent memory of god.
But let there be spaces in ur togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between u.
Fill each others cup but drink not from 1 cup.
Give 1 another your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing & dance together & be joyous but let each 1 of u be alone.
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give ur hearts but not into each other's keeping,
for only the hand of life can contain ur hearts.
And stand together yet not to near together for the pillars of the temple
& the oak tree & the cyprus grow not in each others shadow...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

new roommie!

hari ni roommate baru sampai..she's a 1st year student of RCSI. before ni D was my roommie, tp D dah pindah bilik sebab N nak move out soon. at this moment dia still kat malaysia hall i guess, ke plane tak touch down lagi eh? i have no idea. tapi almari dah dikemas, bilik dah di vacum. see..i'm a good roommate aite? :D