Monday, November 27, 2006

Nodding in agreement

Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but less magical.

- trey parker and matt stone -

Was ym-ing with Hani just now, talking nonsense mostly, partly coz I already feel bored, and it's only a week into our winter holidays! Amidst the crappy talking about Korean and Japanese love dramas and movies, I said something that was intended as a joke to make Hani goes 'bleurghh' ..hehh...I said, "I am happy in my own love story".

Joke aside, I am, indeed, happy.

I guess this entry is going to provoke some 'bleurghh' too. Heh.

Wish I had found the quote earlier. Could have given it to the persons who were telling me their stories. I am not so good at giving advice. Besides, I am on cloud nine, so I might be biased in the love department. Hehe. I'd prolly just say do not analyse too much, go with what you feel ladida.. Anyways, to the persons, I wish the best for you. Hope your stories will become your love stories too..

1 comment:

JUst Me said...

bleurghhhh again....1,2,3...bluerghhhh again..heheh